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  • ArtWeek Boston Event with Lauren Geraghty and Emily Malin at Open Door Gallery

    Posted Wednesday April 16 2014 at 06:12 am in Open Door Gallery

    ArtWeek Boston Logo

    In association with Third Sector New England, VSA's Open Door Gallery presents an ArtWeek Boston event Friday, April 25, 2014 at 6pm.  Try your hand at a form of artistic human expression that is over 2,000 years old while enjoying the artistic efforts of two young women who create art as naturally, and deliberately, as they live and breathe.  We will demonstrate the fearless release of the brush, a stroke paralleling a Samurai swordsman's composure on the brink of battle.  As a backdrop for your creative effort you will see a gallery full of work in watercolor and Sumi-e ink drawing produced by Lauren Geraghty and Emily Malin, two emerging contemporary artists.

    Sumi-e Ink Drawing by Lauren Geraghty

    Please Register:

    Kennedy Center Announces Spring 2014 Artist Opportunities

    Posted Wednesday April 09 2014 at 10:38 pm in Call For Artists

    VSA Artist Opportunities

    Call For Entries: Rochester Contemporary Art Center "6x6x2014" Show
    Deadline: April 20, 2014
    Rochester Contemporary Art Center’s (RoCo) international small art phenomenon returns for the 7th year!  Help us once again to build an incredible exhibition of thousands of artworks made and donated by celebrities, international and local artists, designers, college students, youths, and YOU.  Each artwork must be 6x6 square inches (15cm) or mounted to a 6x6 board, signed only on the back, and exhibited anonymously.  Artists may enter up to 6 artworks of any medium (2D or 3D) and there is no fee to enter.  All entries will be accepted and exhibited in the gallery and online.  All artworks will be offered for sale to the public for $20 each to benefit RoCo.  Artist names will be revealed to the buyer upon purchase, and all artworks will remain on display through July 13, 2014

    Call For Entries: FIGMENT NYC 2014
    Deadline: April 25, 2014
    FIGMENT NYC 2014 is a two-day participatory arts event held on Governors Island, showcasing art that encourages participants to play, dance, sing, create, engage, experiment, and explore their environment.  The event accepts submissions from artists of all ages and experience.  Theatre, dance, music, performance art, games, creative costuming, workshops and activities are all common genres found at FIGMENT.

    Competition: VSA Playwright Discovery Competition
    Deadline: April 28, 2014
    The VSA Playwright Discovery Competition invites middle and high school students to take a closer look at the world around them, examine how disability affects their lives and the lives of others, and express their views through the art of script writing.  Writers may write from their own experience and observations, or create fictional characters and settings.  Scripts can be comedies, dramas, or even musicals --be creative!  Young writers with and without disabilities are encouraged to submit a script.  Entries may be the work of an individual student or a collaboration by a group of students.

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    Boston Conservatory Presents Free "Relaxed" Performance of Dance Extravaganza "Limitless"

    Posted Sunday April 06 2014 at 9:11 pm in Cultural Inclusion


    The Boston Conservatory is offering a "relaxed" presentation of its upcoming spring dance concert, Limitless, on Friday, April 18, 2014 at 11 am.

    This unique presentation is designed to create a comfortable, "relaxed" environment for those with special cognitive needs and their families.  In particular, the performance will provide a safe environment that allows individuals on the autism spectrum or with sensory issues and learning disabilities to enjoy a dance concert in a sensory-friendly and judgment-free space.

    This performance is recommended for those families bringing a loved one with developmental disabilities and their teachers and advocates.  All tickets are free but must be reserved online (access code is "LSN").

    For more detailed information visit the Limitless relaxed performance web page.