Upcoming VSA Webinars
Posted Tuesday July 07 2015 at 06:19 am
Free webinars scheduled by the Office of VSA & Accessibility, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts:
Fundamentals: Big Ideas from the National Core Arts Standards and Guiding Principles for Students with Disabilities
Tuesday, July 21, 2015 3-4pm
Presenters: Marcia McCaffrey, President, State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education and Dr. Sharon M. Malley, author of Students with Disabilities and the Core Arts Standards: Guiding Principles for Teachers
The presenters will: 1) provide an overview of the National Core Arts Standards highlighting the standards framework, the big ideas behind the standards as well as a brief tour of the website nationalartsstandards.org; 2) provide a description of principles and practices that are fundamental to working with students with disabilities in arts education; and 3) discuss how the National Core Arts Standards supports student-learning for all students.
More info and registration
Arts and UDL 101: Designing for Variability is Beautiful
Tuesday, July 28, 2015 3-4pm
Presenters: Don Glass, PhD and Wilhemina Peragine, VSA Massachusetts
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a transformative framework for guiding the design and evaluation of curriculum, programs, and materials. The framework focuses on learning designs that consider human variability and growth. UDL addresses the problem of practice of how we design curriculum to support a wide range of learners in inclusive educational settings. The arts may play a key role in providing these learning options in curricula that is universally designed for learning.
More info and registration