The story of Boston Marathon participants Dick Hoyt and his cerebral palsy-stricken son, Rick, were the models for this moving film set in picturesque southern France. A determined teenage boy confined to a wheelchair pesters his unemployed father to enter an Ironman contest. After multiple attempts to reach his non-communicative father, the son finally convinces him to start training, and the two begin a grueling program that reaps unexpected rewards.
The Finishers
86 Minutes
French with English subtitles Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 7pm
West Newton Cinema
1296 Washington Street
West Newton, MA
For more information and to purchase tickets visit Belmont World Film
or call 617-484-3980
In the global society in which we live, the arts open pathways to understanding and communication between peoples. In addition, the arts are channels for creativity and celebration, mitigate the effects of stress and trauma, and are known to facilitate innovative spaces for emotional release. The arts can provide people a tangible result for their efforts in a relative short time, actions that can take place through individual or collective effort. The conference will feature arts based approaches initiated by Lesley University faculty and other international experts. Circumnavigate the globe using the arts as our compass for exploration.