Posted Sunday March 06 2016 at 3:19 pm.
From the National Endowment for the Arts design staff.
You are invited to participate in something new and important from the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with the Center for Cultural Innovation.
It's a conversation about what artists and designers in the United States need to sustain and strengthen their careers. As part of the NEA's 50th anniversary initiative -- Creativity Connects -- the research project highlights how the arts contribute to the nation's creative ecosystem. CREATIVZ.US is being managed by our partner, the Center for Cultural Innovation, and supported by the Surdna and Doris Duke Charitable Foundations.
Over the next few months CREATIVZ will publish a series of essays by a variety of artists, designers and arts thinkers. You'll see a few there now.
We want to include your voice! What we've launched is not a summary of research findings, but rather an integral part of the research process itself. Our goal is to hear from as many artists, designers, and support providers as possible. A report will be published and available June, 2016.
Here's how you can help. Please share and join the conversation. You can add comments to any of the essays on the web site or use your favorite social app to say something. If you use social media, please use the hashtag #creativz so we see it.
You can also share or follow CREATIVZ on Facebook and Twitter - @creativzus.
We really want to hear from you and hope you'll be inspired to add your voice.
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